Making Fitness Fun

I’m really passionate about making movement an integral part of your daily lifestyle, and something that is sustainable. So during my PT sessions I focus on making my clients comfortable and find the elements of fitness that they do enjoy and lean into those. I work with the client to find what exercises they love, and set performance goals that they’re constantly working towards.

Book your free 30 minute Zoom consult

I believe it’s important to meet your coach before signing up for something like PT where it’s very individual and you work in such proximity to someone. Compatibility is important because to make results vulnerability and honesty is important. So if you’re leaning towards wanting a PT, hit the button below and line up a free consult, either over zoom or in person at my gym.

Experience the passion

There’s a difference between training with a PT, and then training with a coach. A PT shows you what to do. A coach is there to coach you through the process and explain in intricate detail the how and why.

I’m the latter.

Move well, and love the way you move.

Apply for a PT slot below