The Secret to fat loss…

Spoilers! THERE IS NO SECRET! The ‘secret’ is a well known method by that the fat loss industry doesn’t want you to know about.

It wasn’t until I fell I’ll that I saw the big picture, and learned the truth of it all.


Because then they wouldn’t be worth the $295 BILLION that the fat loss industry is valued to reach by 2027 if you did!

But don’t worry girl, I got you!

Learn what YOUR body needs in order to lose weight….

And keep it off... FOREVER.

Find YOUR recipe for success!

Far too many woman are unhappy in their own bodies, 91% to be exact. Often we resort to a fad diet, a new medication or a gruelling exercise routine. We try really hard to shed the weight for a few weeks, get frustrated and tired, give up, and then try again a few months later. It’s a vicious cycle, and it needs to stop.

It should only take you ONE, successful effort to lose weight, and I’m going to show you how!

Why do you think people try so hard to lose weight and still can’t? Even nowadays that we have access to new medications, new shakes, nutritionists... anything we can possibly imagine. And yet it is still such an epidemic.

Well, I’ll tell you why. Americans spend on average $5196 per year trying to lose weight. This is such a profitable industry and that’s why most people can’t do it. It’s so saturated with misinformation, spread so people can’t achieve their results, so that the demand increases, and profit increases

It needs to stop!

Statistically, a woman will try to lose weight 30 different times in her lifetime. That is 30 diet attempts. 30! That’s not factoring in the fact that it becomes significantly harder to lose weight each time. From a physiological prospective, each fat loss attempt slows down your metabolism just a little bit more!

Let’s take that 30 and minus it my 29.

Imagine a life where you can go out and eat out with friends, have dessert, take a day off the gym, without guilt, without losing progress, without feeling defeated or like you’re going to backslide. Imagine finding true balance, learning to love and nourish your body and discovering what it needs to be happy and healthy! Imagine finding a new appreciation for what your body can do, and celebrating it daily for how strong a resilient it is.

That’s what you’ll learn in this boot-camp.

Join the ONLINE, LIVE & FREE Bootcamp

Sunday, July 10th at 6:00pm Brisbane time

What you receive:

Knowledge is power. The more you understand the fundamentals of fat loss, sustaining true health, and how it works, it make the journey so much easier. Understand the “why”, and the “how” becomes significantly easier, eliminates the confusions and consequently, makes you achieve your results.

The transformation:

  • Gain food freedom

  • Understanding of what foods make losing weight easier.

  • Better knowledge of what TRUE nutrition is, outside of macros

  • Eliminating the lies and misconceptions you’ve heard throughout your life about fat loss.

  • Gaining knowledge around how to eat for fat loss to improve your own efforts and increase your results.

  • Balance to your own lifestyle while achieving your fat loss goals.

  • A new love and appreciation for your beautiful body.

What it covers:

  • Breaking fat loss foods myths

  • How fat loss/fat gain occurs

  • How to eat for fat loss

  • What we need to assess in our current situation before determining our calorie own deficit.

  • Understanding what TDEE and metabolism is.

  • Diving into what factors can impact fat loss

For a FREE course, the value you receive is too good.

You can’t afford to not commit!

A bit about me…

My story isn’t so different from yours.

I used to skip meals because I felt like I didn’t deserve to eat because my thighs touched.

I tried every fad diet under the sun.

I joined the gym when I was 22 and from there trained 6 days a week.

I quickly fell into the trap of over training.

I trained myself into the ground, desperate to look like the girls I was on social media, and the harder I worked and the smaller I got, the more I learned to despise exercise and demonise food.

I started thinking certain foods like acai bowls and avocados where bad because they were “high in calories”, and lost track of what it meant to be truly ‘healthy’.

It wasn’t until I got a coach that I started to transform my thinking.

When I shifted my mindset from training to earn the right to eat to eating to fuel my training, my body truly began to transform.

I started training to get stronger and to empower myself, instead of trying to become small to fit a box I wasn’t meant for.

I found MY definition of healthy, a balance, and now I move my body the way I want to because I want to, and eat foods I enjoy that I know will nourish my body.

During this FREE webinar you will learn some of the valuable practices and truths about fat loss that helped me transform my body, as well as so many of my clients.

During this FREE webinar you will learn some of the valuable practices and truths about fat loss that helped me transform my body, as well as so many of my clients.

So many of my clients achieved their fat loss by using the information that you will be learning during this free webinar!

This is the transformation I can give YOU.

Aubrey is truly amazing and obviously passionate at what she does. She's taught me so much and completely changed my mindset on fitness and nutrition. She's full of knowledge and always happy to teach, always available and happy to help, she goes above and beyond for her clients! I'm proud to be apart of AMPT team because Aubrey’s not just a personal trainer, to me she is a friend, I can't thank her enough for what she's done for me!  -Selina Rose

After this webinar you’ll no longer:

  • Feel the need to exclude food groups

  • Believe you need to earn the right to eat

  • Skip meals

  • Believe you need to do lots of cardio or HIIT training any more

  • Feel food guilt

Commit two hours…

Learn invaluable information that will last a lifetime.