Beth’s Transformation So Far
Beth's progress so far. 6 months of working her ass off (or on?) is paying off! Beth came to me with no training experience. This factor meant we could go through a total body re-comp without going through multiple 'cutting' and 'bulking' phases. We didn't track nutrition, we simply worked on implementing a few strategies to make sure she was eating enough protein and a nutritious, balanced diet, all while maintaining a healthy relationship with food and eating at her rough maintenance calories. As you can clearly see Beth lost body fat while putting on a decent amount of muscle, completely transforming her body. Beth is a great example of someone who is coachable. She completes her check-ins weekly, does all her training days most weeks, pays attention to the finer details like tempo and rest periods, asks questions and takes advice, and pushes bloody hard in the gym. Something that helped Beth achieve her results was having a performance goal: hit 100kg hip thrust. When you're pushing for a performance goal, you body has no choice but to transform, all while keeping your focus on a more positive result other then body composition. Beth's now going on to study her certs in fitness and I can't wait to see what she does with it! I'm constantly inspired by her work ethic and dedication. Keep up the hard work Beth! We're not done yet!